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Trial set for Marcus Green
A tentative trial start date in the case against Marcus Green has been set for July 2. Green, 53, of Thermal, was the driver of a car that went over the side of Highway 74 in May 2016 resulting in the death of a 5-month-old child. The Riverside County District Attorney’s Office filed two felony…
Hemet Unified introduces California lunches
Students at Idyllwild School were introduced to special meals from California grown foods last week. Hemet Unified School District, in cooperation with the nonprofit Center for Ecoliteracy, is serving fresh lunches to district students. HUSD has plans to operate the California Thursdays through the remainder of the 2014-15 school year. “We are actually offering California…
Local honored by U.S. Department of Agriculture
The U.S. Department of Agriculture (USDA) recognized its talented employees in a ceremony on Dec. 5 at the USDA Jefferson Auditorium in Washington, D.C. Idyllwild resident Heidi Hoggan was one of the honored recipients of the Chief’s Honor Award. Hoggan serves the U.S. Forest Service (USFS), an agency under the USDA, working in the Washington…
Highway 243 to be closed a week beginning Friday, Dec. 7
Beginning today, Friday, Dec. 7 at 9 a.m., Highway 243 was closed in both directions near Lake Fulmor through Friday, Dec. 14, Cal Trans announced Thursday. The closure location is just northwest of Lake Fulmor, and work will continue 24/7 until it’s completed. Cal Trans stressed in its press release, “Traffic will not be allowed…
The Town Crier Membership list continues to grow
By Becky and Jack Clark Co-publishers We thank you all for your continuing support of the Town Crier and our community. We are actively seeking new, younger and experienced publishers who will carry the Town Crier into the foreseeable future. Currently, there are at least two potential publishers who have shown some interest. We will…
Final primary results and how the Hill voted
Thursday, April 4, Art Tinoco, Riverside County registrar of voters,certified the vote totals from the March 5 Presidential Primary Electionand the board of supervisors accepted the results at its April 9meeting. Turnout In Riverside County, about 30.8% of the 1.3 million registered voterscast a ballot in this election. The statewide turnout for the MarchPrimary Election…