PHOTOS: Easter in Idyllwild
The Mariachi Divas will be celebrating Mexican Independence Day early this year, hitting the stage at Soboba Casino at 9 p.m. Saturday, Sept. 12, at AC’s Lounge in San Jacinto. Tickets are on sale now. The two-time Grammy Award-winning Divas, have a grand total of six Grammy award nominations under their belts. The nominations marked…
Idyllwild harpist Christian Chalifour is hosting an ongoing small orchestra rehearsal group from 10 a.m. to noon Tuesdays at Idyllwild Center for Spiritual Living on Ridgeview Drive in The Courtyard. He is seeking any string players (violin, viola, cello or bass) who perhaps haven’t played their instruments in a while, and would like to join…
Each year, the Idyllwild Area Historical Society (IAHS) showcases five dwellings …
Fimmaker David Spaltro brings his second feature film, “Things I Don’t Understand” to ICF 2013. He returns to Idyllwild after having attended in 2010 with his first film “Around.”
Josefina López is the next author at Eduardo Santiago’s fourth-annual Idyllwild Author Series
The next and final speaker for the 2016 Nature of Nature Lecture Series will be Dr. Jennifer Gee, director of the James San Jacinto Mountains Reserve. The University of California operates 39 reserves, of which four, including the James, are associated with the Riverside campus’ Department of Biology. In 1966, Harry and Grace James sold…