Blood drive this Saturday
Idyllwild Fire Department is hosting a blood drive this Saturday from 11 a.m. to 4:30 p.m. at the station.
Idyllwild Fire Department is hosting a blood drive this Saturday from 11 a.m. to 4:30 p.m. at the station.
An administrative law judge recommended overturning Idyllwild Fire Chief Patrick Reitz’s 2014 decision to fire former Capt. James Reyes. But the Idyllwild Fire Protection District commissioners have refused to adopt his decision and want to review the records, including the transcripts for the seven days of hearings. After a series of hearings over the past…
Artist Dore Capitani (shown) donated this beautiful metal sculpture, featuring his newest color process, to raise money to replace Idyllwild Photographer Jenny Kirchner’s photographic equipment stolen from her car in the desert while she was on assignment. A couple bought the sculpture this past weekend so now Idyllwild has raised all but $210 of the…
State Sen. Bill Emmerson moderates a forum with the two incumbents and four challengers vying for two commission seats on the Idyllwild FIre Protection District Board …
The Idyllwild Fire Protection District’s Finance Committee devoted most of its May 18 meeting to a review of the fiscal year 2015-16 budget that ends June 30. What was not discussed during the meeting was the 2016-17 budget and the effect of the proposed Joint Powers Authority with the city of San Jacinto on the…
The Idyllwild Water District board set a public hearing on the proposed sewer rate increase for Sept. 10. This will be a busy end of summer for the board since the public hearing on the water program increase will be Aug. 20, only three weeks earlier. During discussion of the date for the sewer rate…
Late Wednesday afternoon, June 4, the Idyllwild Fire Department responded quickly to an electrical fire in a home on Rim Rock. No one was injured and the house did not burn. Mike Smith, who is just recovering from surgery, said his wife Susan told him she smelled smoke. “We felt the ceiling in the bathroom…