Idyllwild vigil remembers victims of Orlando mass shooting

About 40 people attended a vigil in Idyllwild Monday evening, June 13, to honor the dead from the mass fatal shooting in Orlando. The attack in Florida, the largest mass shooting in U.S. history, took place at a club frequented primarily by LGBT adults. In this photo, a U.S. rainbow flag is the centerpiece emblem of inclusion. The United States is now one of many countries where gay marriage is legal and LGBT rights are protected. Even so, attendee and Idyllwild resident Eduardo Santiago said, “Even now I don’t feel safe. Someone at the next restaurant table could overhear my conversation and make an ugly scene.”	Photo by Marshall Smith
About 40 people attended a vigil in Idyllwild Monday evening, June 13, to honor the dead from the mass fatal shooting in Orlando. The attack in Florida, the largest mass shooting in U.S. history, took place at a club frequented primarily by LGBT adults. In this photo, a U.S. rainbow flag is the centerpiece emblem of inclusion. The United States is now one of many countries where gay marriage is legal and LGBT rights are protected. Even so, attendee and Idyllwild resident Eduardo Santiago said, “Even now I don’t feel safe. Someone at the next restaurant table could overhear my conversation and make an ugly scene.” Photo by Marshall Smith

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One Comment

  1. It doesn’t surprise me that only 40 people showed up for this Vigil.. Idyllwild masquerades as a liberal, gay friendly town when it is far from what they really are which is a nasty, evil minded little Podunk town inhabited by mindless, redneck hillbillies.

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