County sells former library building on Pine Crest: Supervisors seek funds for Town Hall facility

The former Idyllwild Library site on Pine Crest Avenue has been sold. Riverside County, which owned the building and shares the site with the Idyllwild Health Center, approved the sale for $210,000 at the June 21 Board of Supervisors meeting.

According to the information from Rob Fields, assistant county executive for economic development, Ivon Dahl is buying the property and will install a pilates, fitness class and studio facility.

At the board meeting, 3rd District Supervisor Chuck Washington suggested … “[the county] consider utilizing the proceeds [estimated to be $150,000] from the sale in the Idyllwild community.”

Town Hall was Washington’s concern. He told his colleagues, “I’ve had a lot of requests from the community and residents of the county about negotiating with the property owner to put money into the old Town Hall facility to upgrade the property so it can be used for cultural benefits.”

Fields replied that existing policies allocate these proceeds to a different account.

But after learning of Washington’s priorities, Fields’ staff talked with the supervisor’s staff. Field said the Economic Development Agency “… has identified other eligible sources of funds that can accomplish what your intentions are.”

Washington’s principal target is to do some work on the outside of Town Hall, such as the stage area, according to his Chief of Staff Verne Lauritzen.

Glad that some funding can be earmarked for work at Town Hall, Washington moved to approved the sale, which the board unanimously supported.

The building had been on the market for two years.

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