Obituary: Cheryl Howton Nicols Berg 1944-2016
Sheri passed away Tuesday, June 21, 2016, in Idyllwild, at the age of 71 years young after a short battle with pancreatic cancer.
Sheri was born Aug. 23, 1944, in Salem, Oregon, to Garth and Margaret Howton. She was raised in Mill City, Oregon, and attended Santiam High School.
Sheri worked at Swanson’s Grocery store until she “retired” around the year 2000. She was a member of the Ladies Auxiliary VFW Unit 1135 of Hoquiam, Washington, and The American Legion Ladies Auxiliary Unit 800 of Idyllwild.
Some of her greatest activities were shopping, cooking and shopping.
She is survived by husband David Berg of Hoquiam, Washington; daughter Traci Richards Smiley and son-in-law Ron Smiley Sr. of Mesa, Arizona; son Russell Richards and daughter-in-law Lynne Richards of Spokane, Washington; daughter Carli Nicols and son-in-law David Schnalzer of Idyllwild; stepdaughter Jennifer Berg of Hoquiam, Washington; stepson Victor Dalgord of Montesano, Washington; grandchildren Andrew, Ronnie, Shelbi, Taylor, James, Kenli, Gaige, Elias, Anastasia, Kaylee, Peyton, Jakey, Drew and Bobby; five great-grandchildren; and countless children that she was “Mom” and “Nanna” to. Also surviving are sisters Judi and Kathi, and younger brother Doug Howton.
She was greeted by her late husband Kenny Nicols, both of her parents and her younger brother Steve Howton when she crossed the Rainbow Bridge.
A Celebration of Life is from noon to 3 p.m. Saturday, July 16, at the Hoquiam VFW Post 1135. In lieu of flowers, you may make a donation toward Sheri’s medical bills.