The application of the Adventure Pass to recreation-fee sites will begin later this summer after the U.S. Forest Service and the plaintiffs in two lawsuits about the controversial fee for using various sites in the four Southern California national forests have settled.
On May 19, the parties reached agreement and the U.S. District Court granted a motion to accept and implement the agreement. The 66 sites where the pass will be required are specified in the agreement. Locally, Humber Park will be a designated area.
The application of the fees will occur sometime this summer, according to Al Colby at the San Bernardino National Forest supervisor’s office.
“All of us are working together and will flip the switch this summer,” he said.
A Forest Service sign designating “Recreation Fee Area” will be posted at each site.
Standard amenity recreation fee sites provide amenities such as designated developed parking, picnic tables, toilet facilities, security, interpretive signs and trash receptacles for public use. Under the settlement agreement, the Forest Service will continue to enforce recreation fees at standard amenity recreation fee sites.
The sites in the Southern California national forests where the Adventure Pass will be applied on the San Jacinto Ranger District are shown in the accompanying table.