Creature Corner: August 18, 2016
Last week in “The Days of Our Nine Lives,” Checkers the dog met the ARF cats, and was unsure about Bobbie’s meltdown.
Leia: Holy moly! Everyone sit down! You are going to be so shocked when I tell you this.
Bobbie: Let me guess … that last kitten, Abra, got adopted.

Leia: Right! But that’s not all.
Bobbie: (sighing) Checkers the dog got adopted.
Leia: Right again! Abra was with us for only a week, and the same for Checkers.
Bobby: Anything thing else you want to rub into my wound?
Leia: Not to rub anything into anyone’s wound, but Furball Bill also got adopted! He was at ARF for nearly five years, and finally he has his forever home! Bobbie, you haven’t been here nearly that long.
Bobbie: Bill’s gone? Wow. Gotta admit, I’m happy for him.
Sadie: And I have more news!
Bobbie: And that would be…

Sadie: Ginger, a Pomeranian, was with ARF for just a few days, but she’s already with a family, and there’s new ARF guests — three dogs and two cats.
Bobbie: Please tell me they’re not kittens.
Sadie: Nope! A pure white lady named Mojo who is 11 and the other, Princess, is midnight black and 12. They aren’t posing for photos, yet. The paparazzi are waiting!
Bobbie: OK, and what about the dogs?
Sadie: There’s Fang, a schnauzer-poodle mix, who is 10; Bella, 5-year old poodle; and Girlie, who is 7 and a shepherd-mix. They’re just getting settled with their foster families, so no photos quite yet.

Bobbie: Makes sense.
Leia: I can’t wait to meet them!
Sadie: Nor can I. I’m certain we’ll be best buddies within the week.
Is Bobbie happy now that there are no kittens to take center stage? Will these new dogs be with ARF long? Be sure to keep up with the animal antics of “The Days of our Nine Lives” each week. And please stop in to say hello to the entire adoptable cast at the ARF House, 26890 Hwy. 243 on Saturdays 10-4 and Sundays 10-2, or by appt. M-F by calling 951-659-1122.
Creature Corner is sponsored by Idyllwild Vacation Rentals & Nugget the office dog.