Jim Crandall, Palms to Pines Golf Association handicap chair, provided this report on the Friday, Aug. 12, monthly golf tournament and the first round of the 2016 club championship playoffs. The tournament and playoffs were held at the Morongo Tukwet Canyon Champions Course in Beaumont.
In the playoffs, eighth-seed Pete Holzman upset the top-seed Dave Robb; fourth-seed Crandall beat the fifth-seed John Brower; third-seed Lee Lanfried held off sixth-seed Barry Wallace; and in another upset, seventh-seed Bill Ragland beat second-seed Pete Capparelli.
The upcoming semi-finals will be played in conjunction with the regular tourney in September. Holzman will play Crandall and Lanfried is pitted against Ragland. The winners will play in October for the 2016 club championship, who will go on to play in the Southern California Tournament of Club Champions in December.
In the regular tourney, which is the first of the 2016-17 season, Crandall (course handicap 16) shot a net 67 for first place; Chris Kramer (41) shot a net 70 for second; Holzman (15) and John LoGiudice (23) tied for third with net 73s; and Bob Baker (30) and new member Dennis Chavez (8) tied for fifth with net 74s.
Chavez had the low gross score of 82.
The closest-to-the-pin winners on the four par 3s were Ragland on two, Chavez on eight and 15, and Capparelli on 17.
August is the beginning of new point garnering for the 2016-17 season which runs from August through July. Here are the year-to-date points:
Place Golfer Points
1 Jim Crandall 6.5
2 Chris Kramer 4.5
3 Pete Holzman 3.0
tied John LoGiudice 3.0
5 Bob Baker 1.0
tied Dennis Chavez 1.0
7 Chuck Alkire 0.5
tied John Brower 0.5
Pete Capparelli 0.5
Jerry Daquila 0.5
Tom Flanagan 0.5
Ken Garelick 0.5
Lee Lanfried 0.5
Bill Ragland 0.5
Dave Robb 0.5
Scott Schroeder 0.5
Tony Viola 0.5
Barry Wallace 0.5
Barry Zander 0.5
If interested in joining the club or playing as a guest, contact Crandall at [email protected] or 951-265-5732, or Capparelli at [email protected] or 951-452-5552.
Adult Coed Softball
Town Hall Director Bob Lewis gave this report on recent Adult Coed Softball games.
On Monday, Aug. 8, Creekstone Inn beat Ajax 17-12.
On Tuesday, Aug. 9, Patty Perez beat Pacific Slope 13-7. No final standings were provided.
The championship (two out of three) series began Friday, Aug. 12 with Patty Perez beating Creekstone 8-5, but Creekstone came back Monday night beating Patty Perez 9-7, driving the end of the championship into Tuesday night after the paper went to press.