Creature Corner: September 22, 2016
Last week in The Days of Our Nine Lives, a new ARF dog joined the ranks, and two kittens left to become forever family members.
Traveler: (aside) Hey, Girlie. Come here.
Girlie Girl: What is it?
![Girlie Girl](
Traveler: Just when we canines were building a presence here at ARF, it happened. Kayla got adopted!
Girlie Girl: Well, that’s great, yes?
Bobbie: Traveler doesn’t think so. He hates being so outnumbered by us cats.
Traveler: Hey, I like cats. But I like my fellow dogs, too.
Steve: Where did Kayla go?
Traveler: She’s now with a very nice family in Murietta.
Steve: Cool. Did you see the new cats?
Traveler: I heard about ‘em. Relax, Bobbie, they’re not kittens.
Bobbie: Thank goodness for small favors. What do you know about them, Steve?
Steve: Wait here. I’ll go get them. (takes off running to find the cats)
Traveler: Girlie, have you lost more weight?
Girlie Girl: (blushing) Why yes, I have. I’ve now lost a total of 13 pounds!
Steve: (returning with two cats in tow) Hey everyone! This is Binky and this is George. Introduce yourselves, guys.
Binky: Well, uh, I’m a girl, and, uh, I am about 6 years old.
I am friendly and love to be petted.
Steve: Cool. And George?
George: Hey. Howya doin? I’m, obviously, a guy. I really love the sunshine, and if there is a mouse in your house, he won’t be for long! Ha!
Girlie Girl: Welcome! You’re both really pretty.
George: Pretty? Did you say I’m pretty?
Girlie Girl: Oh, George. You’re pretty handsome!
How much longer will there be such an impressive canine presence at ARF? Be sure to keep up with the animal antics of Days of our Nine Lives each week. And please stop in to say hello to the entire adoptable cast at the ARF House, 26890 Hwy 243 on Saturdays 10-4 and Sundays 10-2, or by appointment M – F by calling 951-659-1122.
Creature Corner is Sponsored in Loving Memory of Comet & Samantha .