
Photos of the Week: September 22, 2016

Reverend Shelly Downes, founder of the Spiritual Oneness Center, displays the Idyllwild Rotary squirrel she received from Rotary President Marc Kassouf at the weekly Idyllwild Rotary meeting on Wednesday, Sept. 14. Downes informed Rotary members about the history and programs offered at the non-denominational facility, located on Cedar Street.  Photo by Tom Kluzak
Reverend Shelly Downes, founder of the Spiritual Oneness Center, displays the Idyllwild Rotary squirrel she received from Rotary President Marc Kassouf at the weekly Idyllwild Rotary meeting on Wednesday, Sept. 14. Downes informed Rotary members about the history and programs offered at the non-denominational facility, located on Cedar Street.
Photo by Tom Kluzak


Barbara Parish demonstrates technique to student Sherri Domengoni during Saturday’s Art Alliance of Idyllwild Artist Workshop.  Photo courtesy of Shanna Robb
Barbara Parish demonstrates technique to student Sherri Domengoni during Saturday’s Art Alliance of Idyllwild Artist Workshop. Photo courtesy of Shanna Robb


Members of Idyllwild School smARTS accept a $2,000 donation from the Art Alliance of Idyllwild.  Money will be used for art supplies and teacher stipends. From left, Ginger Dagnall, Stacy Oates, Susan Gray, Saffron Symank, Catherine Smith, Christine Hunt and Samantha Mason.
Members of Idyllwild School smARTS accept a $2,000 donation from the Art Alliance of Idyllwild. Money will be used for art supplies and teacher stipends. From left, Ginger Dagnall, Stacy Oates, Susan Gray, Saffron Symank, Catherine Smith, Christine Hunt and Samantha Mason.


Friday, Sept. 16, was POW/MIA Remembrance Day and local American Legion Post 800 held a Remembrance Ceremony. Here Post Adjutant Dave Fraser (left) reads the Post proclamation proclaiming POW/MIA Day. He is joined by (from left) Vice Commander Richmond Blake, Joseph Neu, Post Commander Danny Richardson, and Vice Commander and Bugler Cid Castillo. Photo by Alan Belanger
Friday, Sept. 16, was POW/MIA Remembrance Day and local American Legion Post 800 held a Remembrance Ceremony. Here Post Adjutant Dave Fraser (left) reads the Post proclamation proclaiming POW/MIA Day. He is joined by (from left) Vice Commander Richmond Blake, Joseph Neu, Post Commander Danny Richardson, and Vice Commander and Bugler Cid Castillo.
Photo by Alan Belanger



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