Cheers to great art

Jacque Swerdfeger (left) joins Jon Milhouse (right) in a toast to his work, which was part of the “The Idyllwild Collection: HeART & Soul” show at the Middle Ridge Winery Tasting Gallery this past weekend.
Stephanie Yost and her pooch, Ginette Barry, Dave Robb, Patrick Barry and Delanne Marcussen all enjoy the art show Saturday at the Middle Ridge Winery Tasting Gallery Saturday.
Photos by Peter Szabadi
James Thompkins serves guests Middle Ridge wine during the show.
Guests view the photography at the “The Idyllwild Collection: HeART & Soul” show.
Rob Padilla (left), Erin O’Neill, Gerry High and Tamara Johnston (right) enjoyed spending an afternoon with other Idyllwild artists.

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