Creature Corner: July 20, 2017

Last week in “Days of Our Nine Lives,” the cats and dogs were introducing themselves to the ARF kittens.
Pepper: Let’s get back to telling the kittens about ourselves. I’ll get their mommy Diamond to bring them in.

Jet: No you won’t, Pepper. Diamond was adopted last Saturday!
Crue: Remember, she said she wouldn’t be around for long. She was right! And guess what else?
Bobbie: I’ll handle this, Crue. Everyone, her sweet baby Emerald also got adopted! That leaves Topaz all by herself.

Pepper: Poor baby. I’ll go get her so we may continue talking about ourselves!
Audrey: Ah, here she is. (Topaz enters) Hello Topaz, I’m Audrey. I’m a very friendly gal who loves to be petted.
Mr. Gray: I love to be petted, too, once I know the human. And I’m really handsome, don’t you agree?
Topaz: Oh, Mr. Gray, you really are. All of you are so beautiful.

Pepper: Do you like my tuxedo? Ha! I’m not really wearing one, but it certainly looks as if I am. I like humans, too, but they have to give me a chance to trust them.
Heavenly Whiskers: Topaz, I’m kind of like Pepper. You know, I need time to trust, but once I do, I’ll be a great family member.

Sadie: Guess I’m in your club, Whiskers. I just need a chance to trust and love. Oh, and Pepper isn’t the only one wearing a tuxedo. Look at me!
Topaz: Thank you for introducing yourselves. You know, at first glance I look to be all gray, but really I’m not. I have very interesting colors, very much like my mom’s. A little calico, perhaps?
Bobbie: I hope you get adopted very soon. We don’t want you to be the lone kitten!
Will Topaz find her home this week? Be sure to keep up with the animal antics of “Days of Our Nine Lives” each week. And please stop in to say hello to the entire adoptable cast at the ARF House, 26890 Hwy. 243 on Saturdays 10-4 and Sundays 10-2, or by appointment M-F by calling 951-659-1122.
Creature Corner is in memory of David, Bajan, Tyler & Jezebel Taylor.