Past Tense: August 31, 2017

70 years ago – 1947
Fifty people gathered at Dutch Flat to witness the christening of a well for the Idyllwild Water Company. At the first gush, cameras clicked and everyone clapped.
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Eleanor Johnson had a project underway — to turn the circle in the center of town into a village park.
65 years ago – 1952
The Forest Service was testing the turpentine content of four-leaf pinyons in Burnt Valley.
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George, barber in the Sportland building, advertised, “Ladies: Send me your husband’s head (torso attached) and I will groom him — but good.”
60 years ago – 1957
About 200 children participated in the community’s first summer recreation project.
55 years ago – 1962
A crowd of 50,000 was expected for the Labor Day weekend. State Park Supervisor Keith Coldwell reported his facilities had been full since the closing of summer school.
45 years ago – 1972
Fire that appeared to have been set in two places on the Hurley Flat Road burned 1,500 acres by press time with 480 men on the fire line.
40 years ago – 1977
At the renewal celebration at ISOMATA, Bee Krone, a founder of Idyllwild School of Music and Arts, received the first honorary USC-ISOMATA professorship.
35 years ago – 1982
Water consumption within Fern Valley State Water District had dropped since calls for conservation.
30 years ago – 1987
A horde of wheeled youths took over Cedar Street to provide a skateboarding demonstration aimed at raising funds for a park in which to meet and skate without disturbing local pedestrians and traffic. The Hobo Skates (founded by Chuck Muir) raised $500.
25 years ago – 1992
The Hill Municipal Advisory Council expressed frustration over the lack of input it had on commercial building in Idyllwild with three major projects being constructed and a fourth in the planning stages.
20 years ago – 1997
Co unty Supervisor Jim Venable got a plan approved, Option 4B, that allowed local business owners to dump trash at the transfer station and still remain in compliance with Proposition 218.
15 years ago – 2002
The new classroom and gymnasium building at Idyllwild School was ready just in time for the start of the school year.
10 years ago – 2007
Three 16-year-old boys set out on the South Ridge Trail to Tahquitz Peak Lookout and lost each other on the switchbacks. The lost boys, Casey Abrams of Idyllwild and Tim Lee of Simi Valley, were together, while Max Coniff of Simi Valley, who grew up in Idyllwild, made it back safely. Max’s family called Lee Arnson, a RMRU member, who helped rescue the other two boys.
5 years ago – 2012
The Riverside County Sheriff’s Department conducted an intensive week of raids and interrogations in Idyllwild that resulted in 12 arrests.
1 year ago – 2016
A horse and rider tumbled into a deep and steep ravine in the Apple Canyon area. While the rider was able to walk out, the horse was trapped in the ravine and was rescued after two days.
I do enjoy these chronological summaries. However I am also amused by the disabled spell checker feature, that did not detect the unexpected spacing.
20 years ago – 1997
Co unty Supervisor Jim […]