Forest Service burning on Thomas Mountain
The U.S. Forest Service plans to resume burns on Thomas Mountain today, April 2.
In January, the Forest Service burned about 240 acres. About 200 acres are left on the unit between Anza and Garner Valley, according to Zach Behrens, public affairs officer for the San Bernardino National Forest
The project could last over a week; burning each day is dependent on a variety of daily conditions, Behrens added.
In January, the Foerst Service conducted a broadcast burn and three pile burns, the use of a broardcast burn may be employed this week, too.
Fire agencies use prescribed burns to help with control of potential wildfires. “In order to safely defend structures and put firefighters between homes and a wildfire, we need to create defensible space,” said Jaime Gamboa, SBNF fire management officer. “Just like homeowners clearing brush around their homes, we want to clear heavy fuels around communities.”
Timing of prescribed burns depend on a number of factors, including air quality, winds and moisture levels. The projects take years of planning. When that and preparations are completed, firefighters must wait for a window of time when conditions are safe for burning.