Creature Corner: June 28, 2018
Last week in “Days of Our Nine Lives,” ARF family members shared ideas for finding their forever homes.

Panther: (Watching Pepper as she wanders) Pepper, if you’re looking for Figaro or Spanky, they are gone.
Pepper: Gone? Where?
Indigo: They were adopted! They found their forever

families. So that leaves only five kittens.
Panther: Looking around, I see LOTS of black cats here.
Topsy: You’re right. You and I have lots of doppelgangers.
Panther: I have heard humans say how beautiful we black cats are. So then, why are we still here?

Topsy: I don’t know. We are just black velvet with four paws. Hah!
Jax: Hi, guys. Yes, Zoe and I are still here. We’re waiting for someone to adopt us together. Gotta admit it. I really love being with Zoe.
Zoe: And I with you, Jax.
Mr. Gray: Did you hear about the new ARF dog that came in last week?
Zoe: I did! She is a sweet girl who has a fun name.

Jax: Her name is Tex, and she was found in the middle of Highway 243 in the wee hours of the morning. And I heard she had some injuries.
Panther: True. It appears that a coyote (maybe two) was after her. She has some open bite wounds on her hind quarters. And the tops of her front paws were bloodied and swollen.
Freda: Oh, no! Is she going to be OK?
Panther: Yes. She has seen the veterinarian. Oh, and she’s also in heat, so she won’t be spayed until late July.
Freda: When do we get to meet Tex?
Zoe: We will all meet her once she has made a decent recovery. She’ll meet humans then, too.
Freda: Poor girl. Good thing she is now in the loving arms of ARF.
Be sure to keep up with the animal antics of “Days of Our Nine Lives” each week. And please stop in to say hello to the entire adoptable cast at the ARF House, 26890 Hwy. 243 on Saturdays 10-4 and Sundays 10-2, or by appointment M-F by calling 951-659-1122.
Creature Corner is sponsored by Carole Herman & Sandi Mathers.