Ways to give to those who lost homes

The home of Richard “Tim” Gilbert in Mountain Center was destroyed by the Cranston Fire. Photo by Halie Wilson

Wildfire knows no boundaries. It doesn’t care about religion or politics; it destroys whatever is in its path.

Seven homes and five other structures were destroyed in the recent Cranston Fire, along with more than 13,000 acres.

Victims of six of the homes lost have GoFundMe websites for those who want to donate to helping them rebuild their lives. They are:

• Elaine Alghani and Micah Sheiner: www.gofundme.com/elaine-amp-micah-need-our-help

• Andrea Bond and son Tobin: www.gofundme.com/for-the-love-of-andrea-bond also through her PayPal at [email protected]

• Scott and Susan Dunn: www.gofundme.com/nt326-fire-disaster-relief

• Tim Gilbert: www.gofundme.com/cranston-fire-tim-gilbert039s-home

• Thelma Lucjak: www.gofundme.com/thelma-lucjak-Cranston-Fire-victim

• Mary McDonnell and Chris Gay: www.gofundme.com/mary-mcdonnellcranston-fire

Victims of two of the five other structures destroyed in the fire also have GoFundMe websites for donations at:

• Christine Hunt: www.gofundme.com/5vgcdpc

• Pearson family: www.gofundme.com/5u9st-pearson-family

In response to the major blaze in Idyllwild, The Community Foundation of Riverside and San Bernardino Counties is accepting donations to the Idyllwild Community Fund and the Idyllwild Help Center fund to help local residents hardest hit by the Cranston Fire. Donate at https://idyllwildcommunityfund.org/how-you-can-help/.

In response to the needs created after the Cranston Fire because of power outages resulting in lost food, the Associates of the Idyllwild Arts Foundation have launched a food drive that will focus on Jazz in the Pines attendees called, “Do good while having a good time.”

Collection bins will be set on the Idyllwild Arts campus at the entrance to the Patron’s Night event on Friday, Aug. 10, and at the main gate entry to the festival on Saturday, Aug. 11, and Sunday, Aug. 12.

Non-perishable food will be collected throughout the day, allowing those who arrive late to participate. Collected items will be delivered to the Idyllwild Help Center by the Idyllwild Fire Department and the Idyllwild Arts Foundation on Monday, Aug. 13.

Collection bins also will be located during the Spotlight on Leadership and General Meeting on Monday, Aug. 20, on the Idyllwild Arts Campus. The meeting begins at 10 a.m. in the Fireside Room in the Nelson Dining Hall.

Michael Slocum, Associates president, wrote: “The Associates are aware that the community and regional support to those in need after the Cranston Fire is amazing; we want to continue this support for weeks and months ahead. The need will stay after the summer season ends.”

If anyone has information on fundraisers for other victims, email [email protected].

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