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Readers Write: ICC needs money?

With all due respect to the many volunteers on the ICC board, I find it difficult to become enthusiastic about multimillion dollar phases 1, 2, 3, etc., when hundreds of our local residents are struggling to pay utility bills, buy gas to get to off-the-Hill jobs, buy food for their children, etc.
I suspect that the Idyllwild Help Center’s annual budget is a fraction of the cost of the large equipment that is working on the ICC project, let alone all of its other costs.
ICC is funded by a billionaire, yet there are fund-raising events that make perhaps a few thousand dollars each, to buy furniture or equipment for one of the ICC’s future rooms.
Why? Where are our priorities?
Local fundraising events should first and foremost be for organizations that have limited resources, that assist our residents; not for multi-million-dollar, name-branded projects.
Our Help Center needs food bank donations, Fairway vouchers, utility vouchers, gas vouchers, thrift store donations, rent assistance, financial donations, as well as grading of its parking areas, covered donation areas and more.
This is where our priorities, hearts and core values belong.
If you’re in a good financial position, contribute to everything, but our friends and neighbors need first consideration.
Lou Bacher

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