ICC soccer season week 2 results

The Renegades played against the Red Hawks, and the Royal Knights played against the Blue Monsters on Thursday evening at Idyllwild School. These are the youngest players, ages 4-6 years old. Photos by Jenny Kirchner

By Will Steichen
Idyllwild Community Center Director

This soccer season is proving to be quite competitive with players showing some impressive talent. Below is a recap of last week’s games.
4- to 6- year old division
The Blue Monsters had a great game with Marlin Peterson scoring a goal and Quinnlyn Carpenter playing great defense. Mark Pena and Ian Castro were rock stars on defense for the Royal Knights. The Redhawks’ Augie Titus scored two goals with teammate Bob Donavan scoring a third. The Renegades goalie, Finn Kellgren, made remarkable saves!
7- to 9- year old division
“Idyllwild’s” Dane Knight scored the winning goal late in the game giving them a 1-0 victory over The Dragons. Goalies Roger Gonzalez and Tate Donavan of Idyllwild worked together to shut out their competition in a thrilling game. The Dragons had stellar defense from Nick Sanchez, Miles Sechrest and Kayson Adams.
For The Dragons second game of the week, Miles Sechrest scored a hat trick (three goals) while Jackson Taylor provided great defense in their 3-0 game against Liverpool. Luke Olivier and Candace Cook had standout games for Liverpool.
10- to 14- year old division
Seth White scored two goals for the Crusaders to give them a 2-0 lead, but the Idyllwild Stars’ Dane Nuez responded with two goals to tie the game. Cody Fogle came back with a goal, giving the Crusaders a 3-2 victory over the Idyllwild Stars. Jayden Fogle was a standout goalie for the Crusaders, making multiple impressive saves!

Liverpool and the Dragons competed Friday afternoon at Idyllwild School. Photo by Jenny Kirchner

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