70 years ago - 1949
The Town Crier was starting its fourth year publishing a newspaper on the Hill.
65 years ago - 1954
An open meeting was scheduled at Town Hall to discuss the proposed tramway into the wilderness area.
55 years ago - 1964
Idyllwild firefighters inspected a new pumper that was added to the department’s inventory. The rig was capable of pumping 1,000 gallons per minute.
40 years ago - 1979
Financing arrangements constructing a 3-million-gallon water tank in the Fern Valley Water District were completed in San Francisco. Construction was set to begin within the month.
35 years ago - 1984
Jan Boss, owner of Jan’s Red Kettle and Country Corner restaurants, served free pie and coffee on election day to all who presented a valid voter receipt. She reported that 333 pieces of pie and gallons of coffee were consumed.
30 years ago - 1989
Asbestos removal and containment began at the Idyllwild School of Music and the Arts (now Idyllwild Arts Academy). The project was estimated to cost $70,000.
25 years ago - 1994
Property owners in Alandale, a small community located north of Pine Cove, voted to change the community’s name to Stone Creek.
20 years ago - 1999
Idyllwild Teen Association, along with Coordinated Resource Management and Planning, came up with a business proposal to start a teen-run store and skate park.
5 years ago - 2014
The future of the Idyllwild emergency radio station and the grand jury’s reaction to the district’s letter were discussed at the Oct. 28 meeting of the Idyllwild Fire Protection District commission.
1 year ago - 2018
Keith Blum of Palm Springs created a mural tribute to the firefighters of this community on the back of the Idyllwild Library.