Art Alliance of Idyllwild offers free art kits to local children

By Art Alliance of Idyllwild
The Art Alliance of Idyllwild (AAI) wants to stimulate the creativity and imagination of local children during California’s “Stay-at-Home” order. To support this goal, the AAI purchased art materials and kits costing over $1,000. The aim is to distribute these art kits to local families with children.
The AAI will set up three tables in front of the Idyllwild Post Office on from 1-4 p.m. on Monday, May 4.
Tables will be divided by age group. The first table will cater to children up to 5 years of age. The second table will have art kits targeting children from 6-10 years old and the third table is for older students 11 years old and over.
The tables will be set up with social distancing in mind. Only one family will be allowed per table while they choose the art kit they want.
Only the AAI member overseeing each table will be able to touch the items and, if desired, provide a description of the art kit and its use.
With the closure of the local school, students were also unable to continue their art classes provided by the Idyllwild School PTA smARTS program.
The AAI also discontinued its home-schooled student art classes.
These purchased art materials and kits are designed for at-home activities, often encouraging family participation, fun and invention.
Donna Elliot, AAI president, believes that “following weeks of quarantine, children (and parents) will be eager to find new activities and creative outlets.”
The AAI is grateful to the Ruth and Joseph C. Reed Foundation for funding these art kits and supporting the AAI’s mission to provide art education.
There are many studies and quotes about the value of art in a child’s education. This is one quote by Maya Angelou that serves the AAI’s project: “You can’t use up creativity. The more you use, the more you have.”
Contact [email protected] if you have any questions.