We’ve settled into our new TC office
The myriad detailed touches involved in any office move have been completed. In case you missed it, the Town Crier office is now located at 54391 Village Center Drive, immediately next to the Idyllwild Pharmacy with the same phone number: 951-659-2145.
Mandy will still help you with job printing, business cards, color Xerox copies, larger photocopy orders, etc. She also handles classified ads, legal notices and the Service Directory advertising and more.
Individual Town Crier issues can again be purchased at Idyllwild Pharmacy, Fairway and Village markets, Idyllwild Chevron, Idyllwild Shell, Pine Cove, Mountain Center and Lake Hemet markets, Mountain Top Liquor, and, of course, at the new Town Crier office.
You Members keep renewing, and new Members are joining you — that’s very encouraging. And please keep helping the Town Crier by patronizing our advertisers.
We will continue showcasing our Hill, monitoring our public agencies and informing you as to what’s going on with our schools, service organization events, restaurants, entertainment venues, etc.
You are keeping us able to do all that. Our most sincere thanks to you all.