Members: Having trouble getting your TCs by mail?

The Town Crier uses the USPS to deliver hundreds of TC newspapers to Members each week, literally from Hawaii to Maine. We’ve all read and heard about mail delays in the United States Postal Service (USPS) since new internal regulations were imposed this summer by a new administrator.
A Member in Arizona, to whom we have been mailing TCs every week, told us last week that he hadn’t received a TC issue since before Labor Day. We checked, and we determined that we have mailed — and paid for — an issue posted to him at his correct address each week without fail. We promptly brought his problem to the attention of the USPS, seeking a remedy.
So, we now have an additional email address:
[email protected]. If any of you Members have experienced delays in receiving your TCs by mail, please email us briefly describing your problem, and once again give us the address to which you want your papers sent so we can verify that we have addressed them correctly. We will confront the USPS with any such delivery problems and press for proper service.
If you do experience a rare mailing issue, rest assured, the entirety of the TC is published online for members via PDF download as well as a slick embedded web-based reading format. Links are available at in the Members section as well as emailed to you weekly.
Once again, a huge thank you to all you Members — including those of you in our Hawaii-to-Maine extended Hill community — for your renewed Memberships that are so crucial to the Town Crier continuing to serve you all. Send to: [email protected]

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