TC Members and Readers aiding HELP Center clients
The Town Crier asked our Members and Readers to consider whether they really need their one-time $1,400 ($2,800 per couple) COVID-19 relief money for their own, personal COVID relief. If not, we asked that you consider passing it along to those who really do need it for rent, utilities, fuel, laptops and internet connections for educating their children virtually during the school closures, and more. The Idyllwild HELP Center sees that those who need it most will get this help they really need.
You’ve responded wonderfully! As the thermometer on page A1 shows, your generosity has thus far resulted in more than $40,000 in COVID relief money going to folk who really need it, and $50,000 is not far off.
And don’t forget: The Idyllwild HELP Center is a 501(c)(3) organization, so your gift to the them is tax-deductible. If you haven’t already, please join in to the extent you can.
Many thanks to all our new and renewing Members. You are keeping the Town Crier serving our community. Thank you all!