IFPD elects new board officers; congratulates Yost on election

At its Nov. 15 regular meeting the Idyllwild Fire Protection District (IFPD) Board of Commissioners elected officers for the year beginning Jan. 1, 2023. All officers were elected by voice votes of 4-0, with Commissioner Christina Reitz being absent. Current Vice President Commissioner Dan Messina was elected president, Commissioner Dennis Fogle was elected vice president and Commissioner Rhonda Andrewson was reelected secretary.
The board congratulated Stephanie Yost, in absentia, on her election to the board over current President Henry Sawicki, who was thanked for his tenure of service on the IFPD board.
The IFPD Hoe Down, which took place Saturday, Oct. 22, was declared a rousing success with hundreds of visitors and residents partaking in the festivities. Chief Mark LaMont has acknowledged the time and resources of many persons and groups in making the fun day possible, which included Idyllwild Career Firefighter’s Association, the San Bernardino U..S Forest Service, Sheila Zacker, Victor Jimenez, IFPD Commissioners Henry Sawicki, Rhonda Andrewson and Dan Messina, IFPD Executive Assistant Rachel Teeguarden, Idyllwild Fire Volunteers (including mascot Kutsch), the band In The Pocket, hayride operators Tommy LaMont and Nick Wyatt, Mountain Disaster Preparedness, Gisela Stearns, San Bernardino County Fire Chief Dan Munsey, and Live Oak Canyon Pumpkin Patch and Christmas Tree Farm, among others.
The chief also acknowledged that IFPD had contributed a $500 check to the local American Legion Post 800, which had sustained a recent burglary.
The next meeting of the IFPD Board of Commissioners currently is set for 3 p.m. Tuesday, Jan. 24, 2023, in the IFPD meeting room.

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