Idyllwild Community Center within sight

Original drawings of site, Phase 1 in yellow. Drawing courtesy of Idyllwild Community Center Committee

The Idyllwild Community Center Committee has announced that it has begun planning the first phase of construction. The committee is currently selecting an architect for the plan.


The initial center construction will include a meeting room, an activity room, an office, bathrooms and parking.

Future phases will add considerably more to the facility, including a gymnasium, kitchen, and several more rooms for meetings and specific audiences.

Committee members Bill Sanborn and Pete Capparelli estimate the cost for this first phase construction will be $300,000.

After an architect prepares detailed plans, the committee expects construction to begin within 12 months. The ability to move forward this soon is the result of the continuing generosity of the couple who bought and donated the land — Dave and Loie Butterfield.

The community’s turnout to build the playground was very impressive, Dave said.

“This is a venue for the community and we’re very glad to be part of it,” he said. “A lot of good people made this happen. They may not have had the money, but they were willing to commit effort and time.”

Consequently, the benefactors have promised the $300,000 in advance of the committee raising and matching any funds. The Butterfields will match all contributions in excess to the $300,000 through the end of the year.

“Both [the Butterfields] are very supportive of what the community is doing here,” Sanborn said.

The 11-member committee has already pledged $50,000 themselves toward the first phase building.

Sanborn and Capparelli plan to meet with 3rd District Supervisor Jeff Stone to discuss the project and to seek an agreement that the local recreation program might shift its headquarters there from Town Hall.

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