Special district elections; competition for fire seats

One special district — Idyllwild Fire Protection District — is guaranteed an election on Aug. 27. Fern Valley Water District may need one, but the residents in the other two Hill water districts — Idyllwild and Pine Cove — will not need to cast a vote to fill the expiring seats.

Only IFPD Commission President Jeannine Charles-Stigall, of three Idyllwild Fire Protection District commissioners whose terms expire this year, submitted papers for re-election. Colleagues Pete Capparelli and Dr. Charles “Chip” Schelly have chosen not to seek re-election.

However, three other individuals, and all former employees — Rhonda Andrewson, administrative assistant; Steve Kunkle, fire chief; and Nancy Layton, financial consultant — have already qualified for the candidacy. So the commission will have an election campaign composed of at least four candidates unless more file by 5 p.m. Wednesday, June 5.

Since an incumbent passed on re-election, the filing period for Idyllwild Fire is extended five more days, which also is the situation at Fern Valley Water District. As of Tuesday morning, FVWD Director James Rees had not filed for re-election. Consequently, other interested candidates have until 5 p.m. Wednesday, June 5, to file for the upcoming vacant board seat.

If more than two submit candidacy papers, FVWD will have an election, too.

But as of Tuesday morning, no new candidates had qualified for either the IFPD or FVWD elections.

If no one else submits candidacy papers, “the Fern Valley Water District will have an opportunity to suggest an appointee. However, the [Riverside County] Board of Supervisors makes the appointment. The appointee will hold the office for the full four-year term,” wrote Chief Deputy Melissa Eickman, Registrar of Voters.

FVWD also has a fourth seat to fill. This week, the district announced the resignation of Director Diana Johnson, whose term expires in December 2015. The Board has decided to fill the remaining period with an appointment at its June 21 meeting. Interested applicants may file at the district’s office, 55790 S. Circle Dr. FVWD directors must own land in the district.

For the second consecutive election, only the existing incumbents, whose terms expire in December, filed for director seats in Idyllwild and Pine Cove water districts. John Cook and Mike Freitas of Idyllwild Water and Robert Hewitt, Lou Padula and Joel Palmer of Pine Cove encountered no competition in their decision to continue their role with their local water district. Consequently, both districts will be spared the cost of an election.

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