PHOTOS: Spirit Mountain Retreat celebrates Summer Solstice
One companion of the drought conditions is the native bark beetle …
Tom Nolan, Jet Propulsion Laboratory scientist, is a frequent presenter as part of the laboratory’s speakers’ bureau. He is a lively and entertaining speaker who has learned from many presentations to K-12 students, as well as family and public talks, how to make science fascinating and easy to understand. “Bringing the ‘Wow! I didn’t know that!’ of NASA Earth and Space Science to both formal and informal education is my passion,” said Nolan.
Artists interested in designing and making a banner for the 2014 Lemon Lily Festival are being asked to submit a mock-up on Wednesday, March 5. The LLF Banner Committee Chair Mimi Lamp is organizing this year’s banner display and wants to have the community more involved in the effort. Artists should submit a 6-inch-by-10-inch color…
The many visitors to Idyllwild over Memorial Day weekend will be able to enjoy the art in action that is Plein Air, the act of painting outdoors. Dotted throughout town beginning at 7:30 a.m. Saturday will be Art Alliance of Idyllwild Plein Air artists competing for a first-, second- or third-place ribbon with cash prizes…
Five artists’ studios were featured in the Art Alliance of Idyllwild Member Studio Tour held Saturday, July 9.