In October, Mt. San Jacinto to close two days a week
The California State Parks just announced service reductions due to the spring budget cut. The budget reductions total $11 million this fiscal year (Juy 1, 2011 thorugh June 30, 2012) and another $22 million in fiscal 2012-13.
Beginning October 2011, Mt. San Jacinto State Park’s hours of operation will be reduced, according to Sector Superintendent Garret Aitchison. The local facility is only one of five in the Department’s Inland Empire region which will incur operational reductions.
“In order to maintain high quality service and public safety standards during high-peak visitor use periods experienced on weekends and holidays we have no other choice but to reduce services during slower non-peak visitor use periods such as weekdays”, said Ron Krueper, Inland Empire District Superintendent, in a release announces the changes. “The cost to operate and staff a State Park on a non-peak weekday is significant and that cost will not be offset by the minimal amount of fees collected at park entrances for Day Use and Camping due to light attendance”.
Mt. San Jacinto State Park
The local park will is now open seven days a week. Beginning on Oct. 1, the park will be open Friday through Tuesday each week. The Idyllwild Campground, Day Use and Sector Office will closed Wednesday and Thursday each week until April 30, 2012.
Beginning May 1, 2012, all Mt. San Jacinto State Park facilities will be open seven days a week again.
But on Oct. 1, 2012, Park operations will return to the five days open and two days closed cycle.
Stone Creek Campground near Idyllwild is normally closed for the winter season and will be open during the summer season. Mount San Jacinto Wilderness Area and Long Valley Ranger Station (Palm Springs Tram area) will remain open year round as usual.
“It is unfortunate that our public parks are affected by the drastic budget cuts. Not only is it frustrating to the visitors, but also has proven to have an effect on local economies,” Aitchison said. “Local businesses are the suppliers for all of our campers’ needs; from gasoline to groceries; our seasonal staff will experience a reduction in hours or separation.
“Permanent staff schedules will be adjusted to cover the open periods and to provide preventative maintenance and support to the Wilderness operations,” Aitchison added. “Our hiking permit station, located on the Ranger Station front deck, remains available during closure days.”
Starting Oct. 1, 2011 until further notice, the following parks will also incur weekday service reductions:
Lake Perris SRA – Park closed to public vehicle entry for day use and camping every Tuesday and Wednesday each week until April 30, 2012. Park will be open for Day Use and Camping Thursday through Monday and any holidays each week until April 30, 2012. Park Day Use hours changed to 7am – 6pm (current hours 6am – 8pm). Starting May 1, 2012 to September 30, 2012 – Park returns to being open 7 days a week with Day Use hours changed to 6am to 10pm. On October 1, 2012 the park will return to the same weekday service reduction cycle for fiscal year 2012/13.
Silverwood Lake SRA – Park closed to public vehicle entry for day use and camping every Wednesday and Thursday each week until April 30, 2012. Park will be open for Day Use and Camping Friday through Tuesday and any holidays each week until April 30, 2012. Park Day Use hours changed to 7am – 5pm (current hours 7am – 7pm). Starting May 1, 2012 to September 30, 2012 – Park returns to being open 7 days a week with Day Use hours changed to 6am to 9pm. On October 1, 2012 the park will return to the same weekday service reduction cycle for fiscal year 2012/13.
California Citrus SHP – Park closed to public vehicle entry for day use every Tuesday through Thursday each week until further notice. Park will be open Friday, Saturday, Sunday and Monday each week. Summer Day Use hours remain 8am – 5pm weekdays and 8 am – 7pm weekends. Winter Day Use hours will remain 8am- 5pm. Weddings and Sunkist Building Rentals will still be available 7 days a week through the California Citrus Non-Profit Management Corporation. School tours will also still be accommodated by park volunteers on a case by case basis.
Chino Hills SP – Park closed to public vehicle entry for day use and camping every Tuesday through Thursday each week until further notice. Park will be open Friday, Saturday, Sunday and Monday each week. Summer Day Use hours remain 8am – 7pm. Winter hours will remain 8am – 5pm.
No service reductions are planned at San Timoteo and Wildwood Canyon