Author: Idyllwild Town Crier

Out Loud: Jazz chair needed …

Jazz in the Pines goers experience a different idea of the festival than community members. The visitors enjoy extraordinary music and a relaxed ease that comes from the meandering festival layout, floating parachutes, artistic vendors and wafting scents of roasting almonds, Thai food and barbecue, among other delights. They probably also notice, because they can’t…

Highway 243 repairs from fire

Caltrans awarded a $1.2 million Emergency Director’s Order to Griffith Construction Company last week as a result of the recent Silver Fire, which damaged portions of Highway 243 between Interstate 10 near Banning and the Twin Pines community north of Idyllwild. Griffith and the specialized subcontractors worked to repair the damaged guardrail so that the…

SBA offers disaster assistance to California small businesses economically impacted by the Mountain Fire

The U. S. Small Business Administration is offering low-interest working capital federal disaster loans to small businesses economically impacted by the Mountain Fire that occurred July 15 to July 30, 2013, SBA Administrator Karen G. Mills said today. SBA acted under its own authority to declare a disaster in response to a request SBA received…

Caltrans opens Highway 243 for weekend; traffic controls begin Monday, Aug. 19

Caltrans, in collaboration with the California Highway Patrol, Cal-Fire and the US Forest Service, will reopen State Route 243 to all traffic today, Friday, Aug. 16, at noon. No work will be conducted over the weekend to allow full access to residents and motorists. Beginning on Monday, Aug. 19, traffic control will be in place…

Out Loud: Intimidation? …

I thought last week’s Idyllwild Fire Protection District candidate forum went well. I thought the moderator explained the process well, the audience behaved itself and the candidates were articulate. Surprise! The following day I learned that the moderator threw softball questions at the candidates rather than reading the tough questions actually written down. (Some of…

BREAKING NEWS: Silver Fire updates

5:13 P.M. UPDATE: The fire is 20, 292 acres and 90 percent contained. Beaumont High School Evacuation Center has closed as of 3 p.m. Visit the Riverside Sheriff’s Department website here — — for concerns about insurance fraud. 1:35 P.M. UPDATE: Silent Valley Club residents and campers who are at the club now are…

Businesses asked to fill out Economic Loss Survey for Mountain Fire

The Riverside County Fire Department – Office of Emergency Service is conducting an Economic Loss Survey to determine the financial impact the Mountain Fire and evacuation order has had, or is having, on Idyllwild businesses. Area businesses are encouraged to complete the U.S. Small Business Administration (SBA) Economic Injury Worksheet by clicking the link below….

Campaign Forum next Tuesday for IFPD

By J.P. Crumrine News Editor The mail-in ballots for the Idyllwild Fire Protection District Commission election should begin arriving in Idyllwild mail boxes this week. Four candidates — Commission President Jeannine Charles-Stigall, Rhonda Andrewson, Steve Kunkle and Nancy Layton — are vying for three commission seats. The Town Crier has interviewed each candidate and will…