Author: Susan Monroe


Golden Nugget Bar & Grill, as well as Lemon Lily & Jack open

Stuart Eberhardt and his fiancé Alicia Barry, along with friend and partner David Brown and friend Chef Brandy Iniguez, are “working our hearts out,” said Eberhardt, toward the opening of Golden Nugget Bar & Grill in the near future. The friend team have a unified vision for the Golden Nugget, which is being set up…


Chairs for Charity kick-off event is this Wednesday

Wednesday, March 28, the Chairs for Charity fundraiser kicks-off at Middle Ridge Winery Tasting Gallery to benefit the Associates of Idyllwild Arts Foundation’s scholarship fund. Fifteen chairs, created by 15 artists from Idyllwild, IA and Palm Springs, will be on display until April 8. All net proceeds will fund art scholarships to Idyllwild Arts Academy…

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Artist’s abstract work references nature

Lorel Cornman’s studio is alive with a plethora of unfinished work. The studio, the art, aren’t at all stagnant, rather, the studio beckons and the work begs completion. Tactile, bold and practically moving on their own volition, Lorel’s work is not to be ignored. Lorel, a prolific producer and seller of her textural multi-layered abstract…

New owner at Florist in the Forest, new hours at Café Aroma

If you live in Idyllwild, you’ve likely met Sam Kesler while visiting Florist in the Forest. Kesler has been working at the florist and gift shop since last July. Now, he is buying the business. “It becomes official April 1st,” said Kesler, who is buying the business from Lori Wagner. He plans a grand opening…


Easter-related events happening in Idyllwild

Easter Egg Hunt, Easter Bonnet Contest, Inspiration Point Sunrise Service and church services … Easter Sunday is just around the corner this year as it falls on April Fools’ Day, April 1. Here’s what churches and organizations have planned around this holiday: Saturday Easter Egg Hunt The Idyllwild Community Center, with Chris Perrault as chair,…


‘Here and Now Art Show’ a grand opening for AAI’s gallery

“The Art Alliance of Idyllwild is dedicated to seeing Idyllwild become a nationally recognized fine arts center for education, creativity and exhibition.” That statement is AAI’s mantra, and to that end, AAI has rented The Courtyard Gallery, which is in the process of becoming a new gallery, visitor center and resource center. This location will…

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‘Beer and Soda Can Basket’ artist to speak at library

Artist Gerald Clarke sends a message within his Beer and Soda Can Basket art that is contemporary, traditional and universal. It all started with Clarke noticing that the shape of a satellite dish was about the shape of a Cahuilla Indian basket, but of course, a lot larger. He envisioned this out-sized modern basket base…