Art & Culture

Jazz in the Pines, Art Alliance of Idyllwild, Idyllwild Arts and other arts and entertainment, theatre, live music and visual arts coverage. The most comprehensive arts and entertainment calendar covering the Idyllwild area.

‘A Christmas Carol’ — revised!

‘A Christmas Carol’ — revised!

Duffy Hudson, Broadway and film actor, presents the ghosts of Christmas Past, Present and Yet to Come. Without the aid of props or costumes, he plays all 46 characters to bring the magical tale to life. The Friends of the Idyllwild Library brings this program to Idyllwild. It will be presented Wednesday, Dec.7 at the Rainbow Inn. Refreshments will be served at 5 p.m. And the program will begin at 5:30 p.m. This 75-minute program is suitable for teens and adults.

‘The Blind Side’ draws 82 to diversity film series

A Sunday, Nov. 20 late matinee showing of “The Blind Side,” part of a free film series at the Rustic called “Seeing Diversity,” drew 82 attendees, including children. Sponsored by A Community Together (ACT), the six-film series is intended to offer windows into the lives of others — often others who are separated out and…