Vientos Trio to perform at Idyllwild Arts
Idyllwild Arts welcomes the Vientos Trio for an evening of chamber music at 7:30 p.m. Friday, Oct. 28 in Stephens Recital Hall on the Idyllwild Arts campus. The Vientos Trio, is a woodwind ensemble. Its members are Dr. Jennifer Stevenson, clarinet, Michael Kreiner, bassoon, and Ryan Zwahlen, oboe.
Idyllwild Arts ‘Company’ performs for full house
“The Company” of the Idyllwild Arts Theatre Department opened and closed its Musical Theatre Fall Cabaret with a hearty rendition of “Another Op’nin’, Another Show” and in between students performed 16 songs to a standing-room-only audience at Rush Hall on Sunday, Oct. 16. Performing “I’m Not” from the Broadway musical “Little By Little” is Idyllwild Arts student Paulina Kurtz. Photo by Cid Castillo
Animals rule at Living Free
Bright mountain sunshine filtered by tall pines, oaks and cedars provided the setting for the Arts and Crafts and Vendor Courtyard, which proved to be a very busy place during Living Free Animal Sanctuary’s “It’s All About the Animals” event on Saturday, Oct. 15.
Acorn Day fun, educational
Youngsters had the opportunity to taste “Wiwish,” the Cahuilla Indian’s traditional acorn meal, during Acorn Day held at the Idyllwild Nature Center ...
Idyllwild Arts alumni poet returns for reading
An audience of students and faculty members listened to Idyllwild Arts (IA) graduate David Shook read his poetry at the Parks Exhibition Center on Friday, Oct. 7. Shook, a 2004 graduate, has gained a reputation as a translator, poet, documentarian and activist.
Attention Idyllwild-area singers!
The Idyllwild Master Chorale (IMC) season began rehearsals this month from 7 to 9 p.m. Tuesday nights in the music room at Idyllwild School....
Visitors flock to Hill for art, wine and entertainment
Hundreds head for the Hill for a taste of Idyllwild's art scene and fine California varietals ...
Legion hosts BBQ
The Idyllwild American Legion Post 800 hosted a delicious Prime Rib Dinner Night on Friday, Oct. 7, which was attended by almost 70 members and friends. Danny Richardson, House Committee chairman for the post, accompanied by his wife, Terry, cut the main entrée.
Corvettes make a splash in Idyllwild
Corvettes filled the parking lot at Idyllwild Inn on Sunday, Oct. 9.
Concert highlights Idyllwild Arts student soloists
Each year, Idyllwild Arts holds the prestigious Idyllwild Arts Academy Orchestra Concerto Competition.