Art & Culture

Jazz in the Pines, Art Alliance of Idyllwild, Idyllwild Arts and other arts and entertainment, theatre, live music and visual arts coverage. The most comprehensive arts and entertainment calendar covering the Idyllwild area.

Christmas film crew using Idyllwild as a backdrop

Christmas film crew using Idyllwild as a backdrop

Locals noticed a film crew at work the week of April 22 at severaldowntown localtions. The Gastrognome was taken over Tuesday andWednesday, with small “drifts” of fake snow scattered around the deck,and FERRO was next on the schedule. The Crier spoke with co-producer and director Jake Hilgren at the Gnome.“We’re filming a movie called ‘Christmas…

Hilltop Music Lab, new business in the Collective

Hilltop Music Lab, new business in the Collective

The Crier sat down with Julia Graham at her new teaching studio, HilltopMusic Lab, in the Collective. Graham moved into the space just a fewweeks ago, but tells us that already, 45 students are taking lessons andlearning about music at Hilltop. Graham spent about a year giving lessons out of her home in Idyllwild,and taught…

New mercantile store offers tools for living

New mercantile store offers tools for living

The Crier visited El Sereno Mercantile whose motto is “Tools forliving.” It is in the North Circle building rebuilt after a tree strike.The first shop opened in Oakwood Village a few years ago and moved tothe new location in November. The Crier spoke with Juliana, owner withhusband Markus Ziegler.  “I’m from Brazil, my husband from…

The Associates award grant

The Associates award grant

At its monthly meeting Monday April 8, the Associates of Idyllwild ArtsFoundation awarded a $1,000 grant to Idyllwild Arts Dramatic Artsstudent Andre Real. Through intense competitions, Andre was selected from all Dramatic Artsstudents to represent California and Idyllwild Arts as the entry in theEnglish-Speaking Union’s (ESU) National Shakespeare competition in NewYork City. For 100 years,…

Idyllwild Arts presents exhibition reception in desert

Idyllwild Arts presents exhibition reception in desert

Idyllwild Arts Academy (IAA) debuts its spring 2024 off-site studentexhibition with a reception Friday, May 3. Students will show their workonce again to the desert audience in a reception from 4 to 7 p.m. thatday at Melissa Morgan Fine Art Gallery, 73-660 El Paseo, Palm Desert. At6 p.m., IAA songwriting students will perform their originalcompositions at a free…

International student to unveil special installation

Idyllwild Arts Academy (IAA) invites the public to attend its CommunityDay from 11:30 a.m. to 6 p.m. Saturday, May 11, to learn about thetransformative power of art. As part of the event, Arts EnterpriseLaboratory (AEL) student Devika Aggarwal will unveil herthought-provoking, interactive and meticulously-engineered artinstallation “Outside In,” a sphere-like, geodesic dome structure thatwill provide a…

Space in Fern Valley becomes Wylldwood Gallery

Space in Fern Valley becomes Wylldwood Gallery

John Edward Marin was looking for studio space where he could paint andfound more: space for three painters and his Wylldwood Gallery. “Thiswas not anticipated, it happened all very spur-of-the-moment. I saw thespace in December, moved in Jan. 5.” Marin began painting relatively recently, in 2003. “I was told by apsychic my art would hang…

Art Alliance to launch Young Artists of Idyllwild

The Art Alliance of Idyllwild (AAI) announced its latest endeavor aimedat nurturing budding young artists within the community. Any parent with a child eager to explore their artistic talents furtherand/or has a passion for art and a desire to expand their skills, lookno further. AAI introduced a new section named Young Artists ofIdyllwild, dedicated to…