Idyllwild News

CR&R responds to questions about scavenging at transfer station

Last week the Town Crier reported on scavenging at the Idyllwild Transfer Station as documented in the County’s inspection reports. The article included questions we submitted to CR&R, the company that provides services there This week we have answers from Nate Woods, a CR&R General Manager. Q: Has CR&R been cited for failing to secure…

Allison FedrickMeet Allison Fedrick, Idyllwild Nature Center’s new Park InterpreterAllison Fedrick

Allison FedrickMeet Allison Fedrick, Idyllwild Nature Center’s new Park InterpreterAllison Fedrick

This week the Town Crier met with the Idyllwild Nature Center’s new Park Interpreter, Allison Fedrick. “Park Interpreter is the site supervisor of the location, and combines the duties of operations, museum exhibitory, animal care and wildlife education. That means that I help with public programs, school tours, conservation projects and the running of the…

Idyllwild School shows continuing improvement

Last week, the State Department of Education released the results of the 2023-24 Smarter Balanced Summative Assessments for English and mathematics. Students at Idyllwild School performed better overall than the statewide results and the County and the Hemet Unified School District results. In English, overall, 55.6% of the Idyllwild School students (grades 3 through 8)…

County Inspector notes daily scavenging at transfer station

Records available at the state-run Solid Waste Information System (SWIS) website confirm that the county’s Local Enforcement Agency (LEA) knows what many locals have noted: scavenging at the Idyllwild Transfer Station is a daily event, involving both well-equipped individuals with trucks who search the bins during operating hours and just after closing, and “transients” who…

Rollins feels close election favors him over Calvert

Editor’s Note: The 2024 Presidential Election will be Tuesday, November 5. Besides the races for President and the U.S. Senate, to succeed Diane Feinstein, there are many local races which will determine who represents the Hill in the State Assembly and the U.S. Congress. The Town Crier will be writing about the races for the…

Prop 33 expects more rent controls to help with housing

Proposition 33 is about rent controls. It would repeal the current state law (the Costa-Hawkins Rental Housing Act of 1995) which limits the authority of cities and counties to control rents within their jurisdictions. In three different situations, this law “generally prevents cities and counties from limiting the initial rental rate that landlords may charge…

PCWD receives clean audit

At their October 9 meeting Directors of Pine Cove Water District reviewed the district’s latest audit over Zoom with Brianna Schultz, a partner from their accounting firm, Rogers, Anderson, Malody & Scott. The firm gave PCWD an “unmodified” or “clean” audit opinion, the highest rating. The overall “net position”, which includes capital and liquid assets…

Hill and Donna Champion survive Hurricane Helena

Hill and Donna Champion survive Hurricane Helena

By Holly ParsonsCorrespondent Until a few years ago, legendary Idyllwild resident Hill Champion spent 42 joyous years creatively enjoying his world as wildly eclectic, and uniquely fascinating. Ripened by life, unexpectedly – and to his great surprise one vivid day unlocked the beginning of a whole new chapter. In 2019 free spirited Donna Weaver blew…