
Sustainability: Sustainability: Returning to my joy …

I like to think I grew up in a world made of plants. As a child, I spent most of my time up a tree, tunneling through the underbrush, or in the garden. My mother and father were always outside, working together to make things grow and trying their hardest to get the three of us kids to help them weed, water, or whatever. When I was younger, my job in the garden was to plant the carrots each year. My mother planned it so that they would be ready to harvest around my birthday in August, thus showing me that the greatest gifts one can receive are those from the earth.

Sustainability: A year of implementing new programs at Idyllwild Arts …

Editor’s note: The first part of this article appearred in the April 26 issue. By John R. Newman, Idyllwild Arts Academy Dean of Students Completed projects This winter we completed a comprehensive energy audit, sponsored by Southern California Edison, and have retrofitted close to 100 percent of the campus with compact fluorescent light bulbs and…

Sustainability: A year of implementing new programs at Idyllwild Arts …

We have talked a lot this year at Idyllwild Arts about sustainability, and we have achieved measurable successes. We discovered through this event, and in our work on other projects this year, that sustainability is a rallying cry for community; it is an opportunity for us to come together and celebrate a constant that keeps us connected.

Sustainability: Go green, going green …

“Going green” — it’s a fairly large statement and even larger commitment to make. For a school to go green, it involves a lot of thinking, planning, encouraging, perseverance, dedication, and curiosity. Idyllwild Arts Academy is moving toward becoming a greener school and joining the green schools’ movement that has caught fire throughout the United States.

Sustainability: Lighting the way to sustainability and savings …

Next week, three sophomores and one junior from Idyllwild Arts Academy will join me in flying to Denver, Colo., for the Second Annual Green Schools International Conference, Feb. 27 to 29. It’s safe to say that these students are just a tad excited, having proved their readiness and willingness to assist in bringing green changes to our school through written essays.

Sustainability: Lighting the way to sustainability and savings …

Idyllwild Arts Academy (IAA) has substantial outside lighting requirements for visibility and safety. Students, faculty and visitors are often out in darker hours, going to and from dorms and the dining hall, the library and various art studios, or attending on-campus performances and recitals. To assure these needs, IAA has an annual utility bill totaling more than a half million dollars. Consequently, the school has a strong incentive to undertake a sustainability program. So, outside lighting is one of many areas we have been looking at. Plus, many of us have outside lighting needs at home.

Sustainability: Cooking up a Healthier Planet …

At Idyllwild Arts Academy, we have begun to implement sustainable practices in many aspects of our campus life. Some of the greatest successes have occurred in our dining hall. We’ve become deliberate in sourcing our food locally, seasonally and in pursuit of organic produce. We have moved forward in establishing relationships with local farmers who can provide fresh, humanely raised and chemical free meat, poultry and eggs.