Past Tense: July 28, 2011

60 years ago - 1951 Hikers from the Pathfinder camp experienced a near-tragedy when lightning knocked them to the ground while descending San Jacinto...

Initial Thoughts: What does local control mean and who defines it …

“Local control,” a good rallying cry. One that is as old as this nation. I’m for it; I support local control as much as...

Opinion: Idyllwild’s other history

There have been complaints, meetings and discussions recently about town teenagers and out-of-towners tagging walls with spray paint. The contents of the markings have...

Opinion: BB gun shooting on Tollgate

I was alarmed this past weekend by the kid next door shooting an air rifle from his deck at the corner of Tollgate...

Opinion: Government intrusion, even here

The First Amendment certainly has been exercised lately in the Town Crier. Those oh so few fiscal conservatives, true patriots, who strive for smaller...

Opinion: Crumrine doesn’t worship IFPD

First, I want to correct a mistake I made when writing the IFPD Newsletter that appeared in last week’s Town Crier. In my haste...

Opinion: Taxes should relate to results

So, why is it that we have five, six, perhaps seven fire departments, three water boards governing four water agencies, two community advisory councils...

Opinion: Save recreation

For the past few weeks, our community has been witness to various efforts attempting to reverse the decision of Riverside County Supervisor Jeff...

Initial Thoughts: Whose the lowest? only details …

The scrutiny of Idyllwild Fire Protection District’s commission will increase in coming weeks as the August election approaches. Two commission seats as well as...

Opinion: Malls in Idyllwild

The donated plot of land now trying to be juggled into a so-called “community center” might as well be called the Community Center Mall. There...