Readers Write

Readers Write

Merger talks must be legal Dear editor: Regarding an article in last week’s Town crier, it was suggested that Idyllwild Fire, Fern Valley Water and Idyllwild Water were looking into a merger via talks with their legal counsels. In California, according to state statutes regarding independent special districts, all talks regarding mergers must include the…

Readers Write:

Cost of the new public restrooms Dear editor: I read with great interest in the latest edition of the Town Crier information regarding the new public restrooms that “the construction was funded by $580,570 in federal American Rescue Plan Act funding allocated by Supervisor Washington and the Riverside County Board of Supervisors for tourism and…


Readers Write:

Houses Painted Black Dear editor: An open appeal to my fellow denizens of this lovely mountain village: Please stop painting your houses black. I suspect that this all started as a prank, a macabre jest to rattle the neighbors, right? But the joke has gotten seriously out of hand when every third house on the…

Readers Write

Voting for FVWD directors Dear editor: This letter authorized by the board of directors for the Fern Valley Water District is intended to respond to the Town Crier’s Nov. 23, 2023 letter from Danny and Colleen McDonald. First, let us make it abundantly clear that the district has always followed California’s Uniform District Election Law….

Readers Write

Readers Write

We want to vote for FVWD directors Dear editor: We have lived in Fern Valley since November 1987. When we moved here we were told that Fern Valley Water District is a landowner voter, state special district. Any changes to the board that represents the homeowners, not the district, requires a vote. We have not…

Readers Write

Counterproductive curbs Dear editor: Wasted water is a topic worth adding to the list of issues created by the county’s latest push to build more curbs along the town’s roadways. While storm water is collected and channeled along roads, it is often ignored after being discharged into the landscape. In Idyllwild, this “flush-and-forget” approach has…

Readers Write

New curbs are a blight Editor’s note: This letter was sent as an email to Riverside County supervisors V. Manuel Perez and Chuck Washington. Dear editor: Please stop the Idyllwild paving curb installation project now and fix the enormous berms installed. The long-awaited paving project is well into the last phase with installing what were…

Readers Write

It takes a village Dear editor: This couldn’t be truer than it is now. ARF works hard to educate the “village” as to pet care and the importance of spaying/neutering. We all need to be responsible for our own dogs and cats, and we all need to help in curbing the annual kitten explosion. Sadly,…

Readers Write

STR dangers to community Dear Editor: A horrible fire tragedy is unfolding in Maui with hundreds of people still unaccounted for as of this writing. The Maui fire is the new deadliest fire in a century, surpassing the Paradise Fire. Paradise is a mountain town much like ours where 85 people died. Similarities include high…

Readers Write

Rustic tranquility or utter chaos? Dear Editor: Are any other store owners disgruntled with the excessive noise, parking and driving chaos on weekends? What about your loss of normal revenue on weekends? Do you really like the idiotic graffiti? Do you enjoy so much alcohol being offered on the street? There was a time not…