idyllwild fire

IFPD Chief LaMont discusses long range planning, his own eventual retirement, and succession

IFPD Chief LaMont discusses long range planning, his own eventual retirement, and succession

The January meeting of the Board of Commissioners of the Idyllwild Fire Protection District included the election of officers, the promotions of five firefighters, and the first mention by Chief Mark LaMont of his plans for retirement and succession. At this first meeting of the year two commissioners, Henry Sawicki and Dennis Fogle, who were…

Fire JPA holds first meeting: Lack of dispatch contract has budget on hold

The Board of the new Idyllwild San Jacinto Regional Fire Authority held its first meeting Thursday evening, June 9. The board is composed of the five-member San Jacinto City Council and the five-member Idyllwild Fire Protection District Commission. While the session last more than three hours, the decision to begin operating the San Jacinto Fire…

Idyllwild Fire acquires new ambulances; successful auction bids

Idyllwild Fire acquires new ambulances; successful auction bids

The Idyllwild Fire Protection District is the proud owner of two new ambulances, which were purchased last Wednesday through a General Services Administration auction and picked up Friday. Both were acquired for slightly less than $45,000 each. Although Fire Chief Patrick Reitz and the district’s Finance Committee have discussed replacing the district’s two ambulances, an…

Grand jury rejects IFPD’s response to report

Grand jury rejects IFPD’s response to report

In September, a Riverside County grand jury notified the Idyllwild Fire Protection District and its Finance Committee that it found the IFPD responses to the June grand jury report were “not in compliance” with the penal code section specifying how to respond to grand jury findings and recommendations. The jury’s Sept. 23 follow-up letter asked…

Idyllwild Fire to approve response to Grand Jury Report at special meeting Tuesday night

The Fire District has scheduled three meetings Tuesday evening. The last, at 8 p.m., Tuesday Aug. 26, will be to review and approve both the Commission’s response to the June Grand Jury Report and a joint response from the Commission and its Finance Committee. The first meeting, at 5:15 p.m., is a resumption of the…

Fire exercise on Hill, Thursday morning, May 22

Residents and motorists will notice fire apparatus from several public safety agencies on May 22 in and around the Mountain Communities. Riverside County fire and law enforcement agencies, military, Mountain Communities Fire Safe Council and other key personnel will participate in Wildland Urban Interface (WUI) fire preparedness training that begins at approximately 8:30 a.m. and…

Hill special District elections: Idyllwild and Pine Cove water settled, Idyllwild Fire and Fern Valley water open

One special district — Idyllwild Fire Protection District — is guaranteed an election on August 27. Fern Valley Water District may need one, but the residents in the other two Hill water districts — Idyllwild and Pine Cove — will not need to cast a vote to fill the expiring seats. Only IFPD Commission President…

Smoke from east Hemet fire wafts through Idyllwild (updated)

Update, Sunday June 10: The Creek Fire is now controlled. The area burned was limited to 76 acres. The Creek Fire, which started in east Hemet, near Indian Creek Road, burned about 76 acres Friday evening and night. The Fire is about 50 percent contained. No structures are threatened. Riverside County Fire Department estimates full…