Fire exercise on Hill, Thursday morning, May 22

Residents and motorists will notice fire apparatus from several public safety agencies on May 22 in and around the Mountain Communities. Riverside County fire and law enforcement agencies, military, Mountain Communities Fire Safe Council and other key personnel will participate in Wildland Urban Interface (WUI) fire preparedness training that begins at approximately 8:30 a.m. and concludes at noon the same day.

Motorists should drive with caution through and around the Mountain Center, Idyllwild and Pine Cove communities. Signage will be posted throughout the area.

According to CAL FIRE/Riverside County Fire Chief, John R. Hawkins, “All of our agencies constantly train; for safety, for readiness and to increase awareness during real emergencies. We take advantage of these opportunities to train together as we often suppress large wildland fires in unified command. Exercises like these benefit public safety personnel in all facets in their readiness to suppress and manage wildland fires that have and will occur in wildland urban interface areas throughout Riverside County.”

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