Idyllwild Water

Idyllwild Water District board stalemates: Cook opposes filling vacancies for six months

On Thursday evening, Sept. 22, the first meeting of the remaining three directors of the Idyllwild Water District ended in chaos. The frustration of encountering an obstacle to quickly replacing the vacant board seats through appointment rather than waiting until a March election and repeating that again next August, drove directors Steve Kunkle and June…

Hill special District elections: Idyllwild and Pine Cove water settled, Idyllwild Fire and Fern Valley water open

One special district — Idyllwild Fire Protection District — is guaranteed an election on August 27. Fern Valley Water District may need one, but the residents in the other two Hill water districts — Idyllwild and Pine Cove — will not need to cast a vote to fill the expiring seats. Only IFPD Commission President…