Obituary: Rhoda Karubian

Idyllwild has lost a true friend and supporter of the arts. Rhoda Karubian died Monday, Jan. 4, 1999, with her extended family beside her at the Kaiser Foundation Hospital in Los Angeles.

Ms. Karubian built the Tree House in 1979, and for many years, this hand weaver’s home and studio have provided a gracious setting for poetry readings and art appreciation. A notable garden added to the studio’s peace and serenity where Karubian’s Open Studio gave local artists a venue for their work.

Residents and Idyllwild visitors who frequented these events will miss these artistic treats.

Rhoda Karubian, born in 1938, is survived by her sons, Charles and Laurence and his wife, Masha; friends and former husband, Ralph; her sisters, Linda, Davida and Martha; and nieces Katherine and Sarah and nephew, Zeke.

Services and burial took place at Mt. Sinai on Jan. 7, 1999.

In lieu of flowers, donations can be made in her name to the Idyllwild Arts Foundation Endowment Fund, P.O. Box 38, Idyllwild, CA 92549.

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