Obituary: Earl and Tillie Haarsager
Former Idyllwild residents for 20 years Tillie and Earl Haarsager have died in Bakersfield.
They were known to many locals at their lower Pine Crest Avenue home and through the 39ers Club, the Idyllwild Community Presbyterian Church, the Idyllwild Garden Club, the Mountain Quilters and as cribbage players.
Mr. Haarsager was an electrician for 35 years following his World War II Army service. Mrs. Haarsager was a teacher for 27 years.
They both were born in North Dakota and married there on May 17, 1937, before moving to the Los Angeles area. They were married 62 years.
Mr. Haarsager was 86 years old at the time of his death on May 5, 2000. Mrs. Haarsager was 87 years old at her death on Dec. 7, 1999.
They are survived by their son and daughter-in-law, Dennis and Margie Haarsager of Bakersfield; a daughter and son-in-law, Judy and Ralph Sorenson of Gettysburg, Pa.; six grandchildren and spouses, and four great-grandchildren.