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15th Idyllwild film festival only a month away
The Idyllwild International Festival of Cinema (IIFC) returns to town at the Rustic Theatre Tuesday, March 5, and continues for five more days, until the evening of Sunday, March 10. And once again, 100 films from more than a dozen countries will be available for viewing. All film screenings will be live and shown at…
Jenny Rechel, USFS, talks about climate patterns, ecology and birds: A must-attend event for local birders
Dr. Jenny Rechel, U.S. Forest Service geographer, is the next speaker for the Idyllwild Nature Center’s “Nature of Nature” spring speaker series. For 20 years, Rechel has tracked, mapped and documented the effects of climate change, fire and drought on resident and migratory birds. She will talk about her research conducted on the San Jacinto…
Associates celebrate 50th year
(This story is from an Associates of Idyllwild Arts Foundation press release.) An organizational meeting in January 1968 created the Associates of Idyllwild School of Music and the Arts (now Associates of Idyllwild Arts). January 2018 marks the 50th anniversary as a supporter of the arts, especially Idyllwild Arts. “Our purpose is to raise funds…
Shaliyah Ben named director of Native American Arts Program
Editor’s note: The following is taken from an Idyllwild Arts press release. Idyllwild Arts Foundation President Pamela Jordan has named Shaliyah Ben director of the Native American Arts Program. Under the guidance of Heather Companiott, the Native American Arts Program became a formidable player in the world of Native American arts in recent decades. Ben,…
Barnaby Finch tells his story
Barnaby Finch is a well-known name in Idyllwild. A talented musician, Finch can be heard playing at Ferro with Paul Carman and Marshall Hawkins, or past Jazz in the Pines festivals. While Finch is known here for mostly playing jazz, his talents stretch well beyond that. Finch grew up in the…