Bobcat wanders through
Hot weather and lower fuel moisture have prompted the San Bernardino National Forest to increase fire restrictions, effective Thursday Sept. 1, 2011. Forest officials took these steps to prevent human-caused fires and raise public awareness as the summer continues to get warmer and drier. Most wildfires on the San Bernardino National Forest are human-caused and…
Festive giant candy canes create a meandering snowy path for Christmas shoppers in Idyllwild …
The Mountain Disaster Preparedness group met with several Riverside County officials last week to discuss emergency medical care in case of a disaster such as an earthquake, which might leave the Hill isolated from nearby medical facilities. MDP has been developing plans for providing emergency medical services for more than a year. Among its initiatives…
Pipestem Clematis or Chaparral Clematis,(Clematis lasiantha), is one of the two native clematis in California (the other being C. ligusticifolia or Western Virgin’s Bower). Pipestem clematis is a beautiful deciduous vine that can be as long as 20 feet. This native vine can be found growing on hillsides, chaparral, and open woodlands in southern and central California. It blooms April to May, displaying many small, creamy white and fragrant flowers. This vine prefers shade for its roots, and sun for its top, and is completely drought-tolerant when established.