‘Center of Idyllwild’ mural gets a makeover
Marshall Hawkins, popular and renowned in Idyllwild as jazz bass musician, teacher and human being, received an honorary doctor of music performance degree Friday night from California Baptist University (CBU) in Riverside where, with Director of Jazz Studies and professor Dan St. Marseille, he co-led the CBU Jazz Ensemble together with Hawkin’s own Seahawk Modern…
Associates of the Idyllwild Arts FoundationContributed Between the early afternoon rain and the night’s downpour Sunday, July 25, the Associates of the Idyllwild Arts Foundation hosted its annual meeting. This year with the “Welcome Back” theme, the organization welcomed nearly 90 members and guests to begin the new year. Appetizers and beverages were served while…
On Saturday, June 3, at a small gathering of Camp Ronald McDonald’s most loyal supporters, founder Dr. Stuart Siegel and Fran Wiley, RN and longtime leader and volunteer, shared their memories of the 35 years since the camp’s founding. When Siegel founded Camp Ronald McDonald in Mountain Center, the goal was a simple one, with…
Dozens of people show up to the Visual Art Faculty Show reception on Friday night at Parks Exhibition Center at the Idyllwild Arts campus.
Riverside County Sheriff Stan Sniff was the invited speaker at the Idyllwild Rotary Club weekly meeting on Wednesday, Aug. 8. Although he is up for re-election in November, he was careful to avoid any semblance of campaigning, prohibited by law and departmental regulations when in uniform. Nevertheless, he is proud of his department and what…