Faces of Idyllwild businesses continue to change
B’s Mountain of Books, Idyllwild’s independent bookstore, has a new owner and name. Julie Johnson, friends with previous owner Lauren Devore, has renamed her store INK and plans to continue Devore’s book trading policy and will honor trading credit built up during Devore’s ownership. She also has added a complete children’s room and plans to have story time sessions for the children. Johnson has also added a back room for Internet. In a major change, she also plans to market using the Internet. Eduardo Santiago will reprise his popular Idyllwild Author Series next summer according to Johnson.
The Idyllwild Health Center has moved to its new location on Pine Crest Avenue adjacent to the library. Completely remodeled with new tile, waiting room and exam rooms, the clinic looks a little less homey but a lot more modern. Manager Keith Bradley said, “We’ll miss the view [from the old location] but love the new place.”
Mountain Harvest Market, Idyllwild’s organic food store, is for sale. Co-owner Doug Yagaloff said the market would remain open as it has been, with the same policies, until and if it finds a new owner. Yagaloff believes the right owner, who believes in the market’s policies of fresh organic locally accessed produce and a wide range of organic and health products, will surface. “I would also like to add the success of the store, even through a down economy, shows that Idyllwild needs a health food store,” said Yagaloff.
Shannon Thomas, owner of the Idyllwild Soda Pop & Sweet Shop in the Fort, has opened a second business called the Cigar Box, also in the Fort. The Cigar Box markets fine tobaccos and accessories and specialty gifts.