Playground projects get county OK

Celebrating in front of the sign announcing the upcoming construction of the community playground are, from left, Katelyn Sonnier, Sylvan Campbell, Tyler Sonnier, Cole Sonnier and Ember Campbell. Photo by Cid Castillo

“It’s the best news of my,” said an elated Dawn Sonnier, who explained that she had just received confirmation from the Riverside County Building and Safety Department that they were satisfied with the information and plans for building the playground this spring.

Sonnier, who has spent more than a year actively planning, organizing, raising money and gaining county approvals, took a well earned deep breath and smiled.

Wednesday, June 13 through Sunday, June 17 is the period set aside for the actual playground assembly. Consultants, Leather and Associates, will over see the work and certify its safety to the county.

In the next five months, Sonnier still has much to do to prepare for the work and guide its completion, but the tunnel is much brighter.
“There will be no more conditions and no playground inspections,” she said, grateful that the county had accepted Leathers’ qualifications to oversee and to certify its acceptability.

Before the construction week arrives, the footings have to dug, the teams organized, food planned and tools prepared. But all of these tasks have been planned and are in the hands of a local resident to complete, she said.

Still planning on a total of 500 volunteers during the five-day “Old fashion barn raising”, Sonnier promises, “There is a job for everyone.” Children from 10 to adults near 100 are welcome to volunteer and contribute to the community project. While the workdays will be from 8 a.m. to 8 p.m., coffee will be available as early as 7:30 a.m. along with snacks and meals throughout the day.

Childcare will be available to parents who want to help with the playground and individual tools will be protected and locked, she said. The Idyllwild Bible Church will provide a brief service Sunday morning, June 17.

While Sonnier has raised the money for her playground budget, funds will continue to be needed

These pickets will surround the entire playground for the safety of our children. You can have any name you choose whether it be a family name, childs name, group name, anything! Photo courtesy of Dawn Sonnier
for unexpected costs and ongoing maintenance. Funds for some of the playground components can still be donated.

For example, the monkey bars are $500. Pickets for a fence encompassing the playground can be purchased for $100. see photo. You can have any name you choose whether it be a family name, child's name, group name, anything! We ask that the name you choose be 20 characters long. Please contact ICRC if you would like to purchase a picket or two through email [email protected], or phone Dawn Sonnier (951) 659-3070. All donations are tax deductible and payments can be made by check and mailed to PO Box 1770 or dropped off at Idyllwild Inn or Mtn. High Escrow and credit card payments through our website Thank you for supporting the Community Playground.

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