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Producer Andrew Meyer lectures at Idyllwild Arts, rediscovers 80s hideaway cabin
Andrew Meyer recently visited the Idyllwild Arts Academy where he shared with students some of the knowledge he gained during his career as a film producer. The visit included a screening at the Rustic Theater of one of his better-known productions, The Breakfast Club, and a more personal quest; the search for the little cabin…
‘Action!’ Idyllwild film fest begins: Opening day Thursday, Jan. 5
It’s opening day and opening weekend for year eight of the Idyllwild International Festival of Cinema. And this audacious upstart festival that Stephen Savage started as a valentine to his hometown of Idyllwild has grown into a preeminent indie film event. While Founder and Festival Chairman Savage is increasingly involved writing and directing major feature…
Tom Nolan, ‘science ambassador,’ speaks at AstroCamp: ‘El Niño: Good Boy or Bad Boy?’
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ICC asks for Great Pumpkin Carnival volunteers
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Plant Food Supper Club relocates and expands view
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PHOTOS: Easter on the Hill
Luke Olivier, 3, darts out to get a head start on Saturday’s Community Easter Egg Hunt at the Idyllwild Community Park.