Opinion: Re: Closure of Idyllwild Pines Camp — 2

If Ms. Snyder [Executive Director of Idyllwild Pines Camp] intended to alienate the community, give her an “A+.” She is not the “we” of the 89-year-old Idyllwild Pines Camp. The “we” welcomed neighbors.

The “No Trespassing” signs appeared at the southeast end after a complaint was made against the camp for destruction of natural habitat.

It is the camp’s responsibility to supervise the children at all times. A dog walker, biker, fisherman or artist who come to enjoy one of the most feature-rich environments in Idyllwild causes no danger to children.

Severing access to responsible neighbors is not a realistic approach. The unlawful will trespass regardless.

The last manager would greet us, pet our dogs and compliment us on our cleanup efforts.

Ross Clunis

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